History sheeter arrested for pointing gun at constable, had threatened to kill him

Fireworks were being carried on a bike, three died in the explosion, 11 seriously injured

Two parties fight over a minor dispute, middle aged man beaten to death with sticks

today's horoscope 01 nov 2024: you will get an offer for new work, you will get financial benefits from friends, read horoscope

The robbers were running away after robbing a truck, when a big accident happened, one robber was caught by the villagers

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Vedanta's Balco Medical Centre champions early cancer detection and bias-free communication

Petrol and diesel became cheaper on the occasion of Diwali, oil companies released new rates

Korba: Family members vandalized the hospital, took the patient away without paying, police started investigation....

Today's horoscope 30 October 2024: There are chances of success in the workplace, take care of your health

Inspection of food establishments