today's horoscope 25 april 2024: You can get the desired work in the workplace, there will be chances of progress, read horoscope

2 absconding accused of Mahadev App on 6-day remand, EOW team arrested them from Delhi and Goa

Golden opportunity to get a job in Indian Army, vacancy released on these posts,

Congress government will eliminate poverty, inflation and unemployment: Jyotsna Mahant

Women of self-help groups took a collective oath to vote and gave the message of voter awareness

चार शिक्षक सस्पेंड: DPI का बड़ा एक्शन, अलग-अलग मामलों में व्याख्याता व प्रधान पाठक सहित चार शिक्षक निलंबित, DEO कार्यालय अटैच

Saroj Pandey blamed Congress in village Lepra, said Congress does vote bank politics, BJP is the only friend of the poor...

Women are no less than anyone, participation in elections is a matter of pride: Observer

The hill Korwas of Chhatibahaar get sufficient water even in summer

शराब दुकान बंद, 26 अप्रैल तक के लिए आदेश जारी