Santosh Gupta

Santosh Gupta

डिजिटल मीडिया एसोसिएशन का चुनाव सर्वसम्मति से हुआ संपन्न, संरक्षक जगदीश पटेल, अध्यक्ष जितेन्द्र डडसेना, उपाध्यक्ष अनिल राठौर,सचिव चन्द्रकुमार श्रीवास, कोषाध्यक्ष बालकृष्ण राय बने

The election of Digital Media Association was completed unanimously, Jagdish Patel became the patron, Jitendra Dadsena became the president, Anil Rathore became the vice president, Chandrakumar Shrivas became the secretary and Balakrishna Rai became the treasurer